Born july, 28 1965 in Chalons en Champagne Graduated at Les Ateliers Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Création Industrielle, Matali Crasset is industrial designer of formation. In agreement with one of her emblematic objets, the column of hospitality “When Jim goes up to Paris” , she puts a clean methodology in which she questions the evidence of the codes that governs our daily life to free oneselves better of it and to experiment. Thus she develops new typologies articulated around principes as the modularity, the appropriation, the flexibility, the network. Her work that has imposed itself from the years 90 as the refusal of the pure shape, conceives itself like a research in movement, made of hypotheses more than of principles. She collaborates whith eclectic universes, from the handicraft to the electronic music, from the scenography to the furniture, from the graphics to the interor architecture.
Matali Crasset spent her chilhood in a small village in the north of France, in a farm where work and life were intimately bound.

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